Kamis, 09 Agustus 2018


The best Creative digital currency

Ethereum Private is an innovative cryptocurrency, which has the advantages of ethereum, neo and Zcash, a form of digital currency guaranteed by cryptography and issued through a decentralized mining market. Ethereum Private introduces a unique form of proof-of-work based on prime numbers, while maintaining all the benefits of a smart contract.
Ethereum Private hides all information to protect user privacy in all transactions. It also has a dynamic block size and dynamic cost and ASIC-proof work proof.
Ethereum Private's mission is to create an open global economic platform that no one can ignore. The company believes that personal privacy is very important for human core values ​​such as dignity, intimacy and ethics. Companies need privacy to do business. Privacy strengthens social ties and social institutions, enables democracy and civil political processes, protects people from their enemies, and helps people become more peaceful and more prosperous.
Ethereum Private is a team driven by science. The inventors of the underlying scientific techniques and technology designers, but not the main controller of the network - that power is in the hands of the users. The company believes in decentralization, which promotes security and justice.
Ethereum Private aims to offer all of the following features:
Ethereum Private uses the same privacy technology as Zcash (zk-snarks). This means that payments are published on a public blockchain, but the sender, recipient, and other transactional metadata remain unidentifiable.
Cannot Be Processed
Send and receive addresses and the amount transacted is obscured by default. Transactions on the Ethereum Private blockchain cannot be associated with a particular user or real-world identity.
Resistance to quantum computers
If there is one thing that can cause a real problem throughout the Blockchain scope, of course, is Quantum Computing.
Ethereum Private will be resistant to ASIC machines to maintain decentralized networks.
The list below shows a comparison between Ethereum Private and others:

March 2018
Market Opportunity Research - Global Analysis
Preliminary Research Completed and Concept Completed
Problem analysis and Thought solutions
April 2018
Build a research and development team to test our hypothesis and practicality to make it a reality.
Connect with the legal team for the structure and prepare preparations for the ICO. and Linking with large exchanges to support new coins.
May 2018
Website Launch
Launch of CrowdSale and expansion of the team to streamline activities. Consult industry groups that are relevant for potential discussions and partnerships.
June 2018
WhitePaper List Tokens in decentralized exchanges, can be before this date if sales are completed.
July 24, 2018
Token distribution to participants of the bounty campaign and air drop
July 25, 2018
Snippets of ETH and ETHPT
July 25 2018 00:00 GMT
August 2018 Register
Official Food Wallet
Afternoon Private Ethereum In large exchanges, we have contacted them,
Lunching Merchant Platform.
For more information about Ethereum Private, please visit
Their WEBSITE (https://ethprivate.net/),
ANN THREAD ( https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=4415197 .)
Or join their TELEGRAM GROUP (https://t.me/EthereumPrivateGroup).
You can also join their Bounty Program (https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=4402172.0).
Btc name YosietoQingge
BTC profile link https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2303937

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