Selasa, 07 Mei 2019


use Cryptocurrency is a platform that allows people to be able to post comments about other websites and tips on their favorite comments with cryptocurrency.  Then there is Tipestry, which is a mobile application for iOS and Android that allows users to leave any physical location, either in the physical location or by selecting a place on the map.  Comments can be viewed through a map view, through a list of selected ranges, in the section that shows posts popular around the world, or in Augmented Reality.  Are also hidden digital coins throughout the world and can be collected through the application.
The aim of this site   is to provide practical and practical ways to support content creators, to facilitate making money without using click clicks or invasive advertisements.  One of the advantages of this system is to maintain confidentiality and allow you to have only two accounts after your account is refilled with cryptocurrency.  Convenience and lack of credit cards also make the provision of an amount, an event even an opening up new opportunity for micro-giving that is never possible before the discovery of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrency.
Another   important  factor  is that the donor sites don't have to know what Tipestry or cryptocurrency is.  Every website can receive donations through an initial setup, and the site owner can request it later (within one year; after that it is added to the Tipestry token distribution collection).
  • Why cryptocurrency?
  • Cryptocurrency is a digital or virtual currency that uses cryptography for security.  Cryptocurrency is difficult to fake because of this security feature.  The distinctive feature of cryptocurrency, and arguably the most attractive attraction, is its organic nature;  it was not issued by the central authority, making it theoretically immune from interference or manipulation of the government.
  • Cryptocurrency also facilitates the transfer of funds between two parties in a transaction;  This transfer is facilitated through the use of public and private keys for security purposes.  Funds are carried out with a minimum of processing fees, allowing users to avoid the steepest fees and financial institutions for wire transfers.
  • The cryptocurrency is also considered by some economists as short-term trends or speculative bubbles - especially currency units, such as Bitcoin, are not rooted in any material goods.  Bitcoin has indeed experienced some rapid spikes and collapsing values.
Seeing the potential of cryptocurrency makes Tiptry a platform that will make people able to comment and tip anywhere using cryptocurrency as payment payments.  Although some sites display comment sections or message boards, most do not.  Online, including web corners that are more unknown (or censored).
Here are some cases of use:
Find out what people say about a particular website.  
Discuss where the comment section was deleted.  
Discuss topics where there is no clear place to do it.  
Discuss a very specific topic.  
Find and share information about new product releases.
Tipcoin (TIPC) and Tipestry Token (TIP)
Tipestry Tokens (TIP) will give you the right owner to obtain dividend cryptocurrency obtained on future platforms.  
Tipestry Tokens will be sold in our sales stores to help cover the costs of growth and upgrading platforms.  
TIPC and TIP are both ERC-20 tokens.

Project team

For more information about Tipestry, please visit the following link:
User Name: YosietoQingge  

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