Minggu, 31 Maret 2019


aQuest Einzigartige dezentrale Plattform

aQuest ist eine einzigartige verteilte Anwendung, mit der Sie bestimmte Aufgaben ausführen können.  So einfach war das von Enkronos.  Das Kreditsystem wurde an ein persönliches Ledger-Produkt gebunden. Das Hauptziel besteht darin, AQU-Token als "internen Brennstoff" zu verwenden.  geführt von Blockchain.
Mit aQuest können Sie eine starke Marketingkampagne erstellen.
Die Teilnehmer werden aufgefordert, eine einfache Aufgabe einzuhalten.  Ihre eigenen Kunden sammeln und Ihre Markenbekanntheit verbessern.


Das Hauptziel des Entwicklers besteht darin, Unternehmern die Möglichkeit zu geben, ein effektives Marketingunternehmen zu gründen.
aQuest bietet Erstellern die Möglichkeit, Marketingkampagnen für Teilnehmerzuordnungen zu erstellen.  Suchteilnehmer müssen die Aufgabe erfüllen, um die Zahlungsbedingungen am Ende der Suche zu erfüllen.  Die Aufgaben sind digital verifizierte Aktionen, die erfolgreich durchgeführt werden müssen (z. B. Umfragen, Facebook-Likes).
Hochleistungs-Anfrage zur Steuerung von Marketing-Kampagnen Mit dem Enkronos-Einsatz können wir dann alle Ihre Anforderungen erreichen, das Engagement zu verbessern


Aquest    sind a anwendung dezentralisierte einfache und mit Einem einfachen user interface, stirbt es Unternehmen ermöglichen Geschäftsinhaber und Grossen, verschiedene Aufgaben für Kunden zu und Verbraucher erledigen, um Informationen über sterben  Hypothyasthyhasthyasthyaspansasimeni zu erhalten
Diese Anwendung wird von den folgenden Kategorien verwendet:
  • ico creator;
  • Finanzdienstleistungssektor;
  • Blockchain-Sektor;
  • pharmazeutisches Unternehmen;
  • Handelsvertreter;
  • berühmte marke.
Integration mit der Enkronos-Anwendung und dann dort.  Mit automatisierten Plattform-Website, die mit allen Preisen verbunden ist, sowie mit mehr Aufgaben und mehr Variabilität für alle Benutzer.
Die Anwendung hilft beim Erstellen von Reisen mit kreativen und instinktiven Cloud-basierten Tools.  Dies ist von allen Geräten aus geöffnet.  Daher ist die Überwachung und Durchführung von Missionen einfach und überall möglich.  Alle Fahrten arbeiten mit der Enkronos-Anwendung und schließen sich einer Sammlung von Benutzern an.
Suche nach einer großartigen Möglichkeit, die Enkronos-Anwendung zu einer Sammlung von Kunden zu entwickeln.  Anzahl der Kunden von Kundenverbindungen, die versiedenen Anwendungen ähneln.
aQuest hat Ideen, Materialien und Websites sorgfältig durchdacht:
  • Website:     https://www.aquest.io/
    Enthält eine nette, attraktive und übersichtliche Benutzeroberfläche, die alle relevanten Informationen zu ICO und der Projektentwicklungsrichtung enthält.  Zeigen Sie die Professionalität des Teams im Projektbetrieb.
  • Das ausführliche Whitepaper "aQuest" in englischer Sprache ist verfügbar unter:    https://www.aquest.io/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/aQuest-Whitepaper-1.0.pdf     .  Es enthält Informationen zu Projekt, Entwicklungsteam, Route, Entwicklungsrichtung, Betrieb und ICO.  Dieses weiße Buch ist sehr gut gestaltet, die Informationen sind detailliert und klar.  Das die große Anstrengung, das das aQuest-Team wird installiert.


Name des Token:   
AQU-Plattform Token: Ethereum    
ERC20 Preis PRICO: 1 AQU = 0,003 ETH-    
Verkaufstoken: 200.000.000    
min.  Investition: 0,1 ETH   
Anzahlung: ETH, BTC, ENK, Fiat    
ICO Ausschüttung: 36,11% Softcap    
: 1 000 000 USD  
Stempel: 39  000    000 EUR


  • Gianluca Busato, Gründer und CEO
  • Jure Velero, CTO
  • Spielen Sie die Mermolja, Literaturprojekt
  • Luka Mladenovic, Entwickler Backend
  • Jan Rozic, Frontend-Entwickler
  • Mojca Mir, Geschäftsassistent
  • Matjaz Prijatelj, Systemadministrator
  • Niko Bergles, UX, UI Graphic Designer
  • Matej Hladnik, Frontend-Programmierer
  • Primoz Nemec, Spezialist für Lösungsverteilung
  • Selena Balconi, Kunstdirektorin
  • Deborah Oliosi, Digital Strategist
  • Sanem Avcil, ICO Investor, Berater
  • Marco Muhrer Schwaiger, Entepreuner-Serie
  • Carlo Buonpane, ICO-Berater
Website:    https://www.aquest.io/
Benutzername: YosietoQingge    
Link:    https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2303937

Sabtu, 30 Maret 2019



With the formation of industrialization, the difficulty of attracting famous personnel began.  This forced production workers to form uniform recruitment offices, then, many of them turned into independent bargaining sectors, formed and regularly refilled the recruiter base, which was then reassigned to the final employer. 
But today cannot be overcome with responsibilities entrusted to them, these preconditions are related to old attraction instruments, just like:   
passive recruitment - that is.  the entire recruitment and placing advertisements and waiting for a response;
the inability to stream applicants – the borrower’s function with one and this is the basis for attracting buyers, this presence does not change its own aspects to various positions; 
lack of course automation – e.g. Selection is done manually. ant. automatic; 
badly recruited people – little responsibility for the presence of employees, creating a wrong assessment of applicants; 
lack of consideration and statistics of activities carried out.
Gooreo is a unique platform designed to help graduates find jobs that suit their specialties, and also to provide opportunities for business owners to get talented students, including young and new graduates, to work temporarily or permanently in their organizations.
Gooreo creates a platform to simplify the job search process for graduates and new graduates, thereby improving their livelihoods. Corporate organizations also benefit greatly from this platform, because it minimizes or completely eliminates high costs from recruitment services to find the right talent needed for their specific roles, thereby maximizing long-term profits.

How does it work?

  • Each student registers his own account on the application and writes his professional resume.
  • The company will publish job applications and write the competencies needed and determine whether the job is local or online.
  • The letter will go directly to all students studying in the same field (and in the same country if the job is local) to be applied to companies seeking employees.
  • Applicants are accepted through the same site and applicants can be accepted on social networking platforms, especially (LinkedIn).
  • After completing the tenure given to students, get a certificate that is certified by the site and company and give a degree (good, average, very good).

Our Vision and Mission

  • Vision: Our vision is to end with all other competing applications.
  • Mission: Our aim is to enable newly graduated students to find skills that suit the skills needed.
The goal we want to achieve: 
Develop Gooreo as one of the most useful applications for students and business owners to find desired jobs and applicants quickly and easily anytime and in any country. 
Immediately deploy applications in all countries to prove to the world that the Oreo model is an efficient model that is feasible on a global scale 
Constant platform improvements based on user feedback and a roadmap to continue to bring new features to the public. 
Innovate and disrupt traditional ways of advancing work to balance technological progress and fast-paced life. 
Increase the funds needed to spread applications globally
Develop a decentralized and autonomous network between students and Business Organizations with a broad base of new features, services, and transactions.

The goal we want to achieve:

  • Develop     Gooreo     as one of the most useful applications for students and business owners to find desired jobs and applicants quickly and easily anytime and in any country.
  • Immediately deploy applications in all countries to prove to the world that the Oreo model is an efficient model that is feasible on a global scale
  • Constant platform improvements based on user feedback and road maps to continue to bring new features to the public.
  • Innovate and disrupt traditional ways of advancing work to balance technological progress and fast-paced life.
  • Increase the funds needed to spread applications globally
  • Develop a decentralized and autonomous network between students and Business Organizations with a broad base of new features, services, and transactions.

Token Information

Coin Name: OREO 
Koin Symbol: 
OREO Code: ERC20 
Total Supply: 1,000,000,000 
Decimal: 18 
Contract Address: 0xfb71ab03d371c43f5e2f3747e5f790370399e778 
45% Product Development Development in accordance with the road map. 
25% Marketing & partnership Cost to attract business owners, establish partnerships with universities. 
12% Operational Operating costs, salaries of non-technology staff. 
3% Legal Company, contracts with business owners, development of legal contracts to use services and many other legal jobs. 
15% of executive level C salary management

Budget Allocation

  • 45% Product Development Product development in accordance with the road map.
  • 25% Marketing & partnership Cost to attract business owners, establish partnerships with universities.
  • 12% Operating Costs, salaries of non-technology staff.
  • 3% Establishment of Law, contracts with business owners, development of legal contracts to use services and many other legal jobs.
  • 15% of C-level executive salary management.


November – December 2018
Pre-ICO and ICO
February 23, 2019
Release of the New Bounty Campaign
May 1, 2019
Register OREO in 3 main exchanges (Latoken, IDCM, and CoinTiger)
July 1, 2019
Additional crypto exchange list
15-28 February 2019
The Alpha version release for the Gooreo platform includes Android and iOS applications.
March 15, 2019 – April 30, 2019
Launch of main ICO sales.
May 15, 2019
Distribution of gift tokens for old and new campaigns

Further information:

Website:     https://gooreo.com/
name btc YosietoQingge btc 
profile link https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2303937

Jumat, 29 Maret 2019



Health Platform and Blockchain Based Analysis

The all-round mHealthCoin platform is a blockchain-based health data storage and analysis platform.  Health information will be captured and used to be intelligent and encrypted and sent to the blockchain.  Every user will have their own chain to maintain health information and accounts, new coins will be generated when health information grows.  The Blockchain will be based on the blockchain Nxt, using the consensus Proof of Stake (PoS).
Our application is also a versatile platform for colleagues to manage their data and wallets.  Our Smartwearable supports 24-hour monitoring and various special features for different needs.
Exchange of cloud health tokens will be market for you to use your coins on whatever your heart wants.  Analysis of Small and Large Data and AI will be relevant to their health and fitness goals.  A chatbot, bob the chatbot, will be built to offer personalized advice to further encourage members to follow their healthy habits and achieve their health and fitness goals.  Therefore a positive feedback loop is formed.

Our mission

We believe that we have health, no matter how old we are, how fat we are, or even how tall we are.  But, in fact, most people are likely to have a health situation until they get sick, serious illnesses, other forms of "illness" instead of trying to prevent it in the previous stage.  Or more diverse data collected for users to understand health status or awareness of their own health.  The broad ideology of proactive awareness about one's own health status is our goal for this project.
THE MHEALTCOIN, which is a device that collects health data that provides a transparent analysis of body conditions regardless of your geopolitical location that aims to serve you better. 
A device that can be used to calculate how many times you spend that allows you to stay tuned which is marked by the native to the health coin ecosystem.  Users have the right to win within 24 hours a day and this also includes sleeping people who are eligible to win, they spend while sleeping.
Therefore mhealthcoin wants to build a healthy and healthy ecosystem
The mobile design application from mhealthcoin is totally linked to smart devices so that everyone can enjoy good shopping at the token store.  With the ERC-20 token, mHealthCoin, users can sleep well with a mobile application, even with simple things like exercising.  You will be able to shop from the application.  Maintained, when the project takes place it will be recognized as a global impact.
In addition, the health data of the platform users will be stored safely on the blockchain for analysis of artificial intelligence.  Based on this record, AI analysts will be able to prescribe how users who submit health data platforms will remain a chat box where users can communicate and provide health challenges globally.
THE MHEALTCOIN A usable smart device that is safe and good structure that collects that health data that provides a transparent analysis of body condition regardless of your geopolitical location that aims to better serve you. 
A device that can be used to calculate how many times you spend that allows you to stay tuned which is marked by the native to the health coin ecosystem.  Users have the right to win within 24 hours a day and this also includes sleeping people who are eligible to win, they spend while sleeping.
Therefore mhealthcoin wants to build a healthy and healthy ecosystem
The mobile design application from mhealthcoin is totally linked to smart devices so that everyone can enjoy good shopping at the token store.  With the ERC-20 token, mHealthCoin, users can sleep well with a mobile application, even with simple things like exercising.  You will be able to shop from the application.  Maintained, when the project takes place it will be recognized as a global impact.
In addition, the health data of the platform users will be stored safely on the blockchain for analysis of artificial intelligence.  Based on this record, AI analysts will be able to prescribe how users who submit health data platforms will remain a chat box where users can communicate and provide health challenges globally.
The good news is that AI agencies that will be integrated into the platform are designed to make tips and advice for everyone.
    The GPS tracking function to track the location of their children
  • For  
    elderly functions
    A digital training system designed to keep users is fit and motivated for life, featuring diverse training instruction videos that will be based on individual goals and user training preferences.
  • IoT for  HOME APPLICATION  To provide users with a one-stop solution for a smart lifestyle, IoT technology will be developed into our smart devices at the later stage.  Users can control their homes that are connected anywhere in Indonesia APP or even devices that can be worn.

Distribution Tokens and Project Roadmap

Token allocation
Project Roadmap

Our team




















To find more relevant details, please follow several sources for the following references:
name btc YosietoQingge btc  
profile link https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2303937