Minggu, 30 September 2018

Грааль Грааль

Грааль Грааль

 платформа, связанная с лингвистическим анализом

В распределенном методе хранения – blockchain, даже школьники слышат. Очень восторженные люди, большой рост и криптовалютные обменные колебания. Согласно докладу WorldEconomic, упомянутому выше, FutureofJobs, «… около 65 процентов детей, обучающихся в начальных школах сегодня, как правило, занимают позиции, которые в настоящее время недоступны, и это может быть связано с компьютерным обучением и интеллектуальным анализом. Начало трансформации, технологии AI – это то же самое, что и интернет в 90-х годах. Дополнительная информация о сайте компании:  http://graphgrail.com/?utm_source=blog&utm_content=110
Промышленные и социальные медиа, игры и приложения, а теперь и банковская сфера, признали преимущества использования технологии blockchain – прозрачности и многократного копирования транзакций, чтобы каждый участник имел информацию о действиях партнеров.
Граальные графики – это платформы, которые относятся к лингвистическому анализу. В Графе Grails см. Текущий лингвистический анализ (в отношении интеллектуального анализа данных), который слишком ограничен в области полезных искусственных нейронных сетей и информации в реальном времени за пределами цифровых медиа (погода, юридические / политические решения, нарушение статуса компании …). 
Итак, как Graph Chart улучшит текущую ограниченную интеллектуальную обработку данных? График Грааля разрабатывает ИИ, который имеет возможность более эффективно обрабатывать процесс сбора данных и имеет больше возможностей, чем существующие лингвистические технологии. Цель AI Graph Grail – создать лингвистический процессор, который будет готовить, чистить, строить модели и учиться.График AI Grail должен сделать лингвистику менее трудоемкой, то есть менее опытные пользователи должны иметь возможность добиваться более точных результатов, а затем с помощью текущей функции лингвистического / интеллектуального анализа данных. Также выполняется децентрализованное приложение (dapp), где деньги могут быть сделаны на платформе. 
Grail AI Chart (GraphGrail) – первая платформа для искусственного интеллекта для Blochein, построенная на технологии обработки естественного языка с децентрализованным рынком приложений. 
Наша миссия: создание мощного искусственного интеллекта, которое будет открыто для всего сообщества, контролируемого и развитого компаниями развития со всего мира.
Мы разрабатываем платформу для анализа большого количества текстовых данных, решения сложных проблем интеллектуального анализа и семантической классификации на основе машинного обучения, искусственных нейронных сетей и глубоких технологий обучения, определения приоритетности банковского дела, биотехнологии и медицины, обеспечения безопасности и 
соблюдения законов и правил. 
Ключевые элементы платформа является универсальным дизайнером для сложных классификаций в смысле дизайна текста Ai. 
В течение 2 лет наша команда проводила исследования и разработки (НИОКР) по анализу естественного языка (НЛП), поиску информации и искусственным нейронным сетям. 
Результатом является дизайнер языковой модели: он позволяет любому, у кого есть 
простые мыши, моделировать и обучать
искусственные нейронные сети для различных задач. Различные приложения: от спам-моделей до дифференциации текстового стиля, от поддельных запросов на основе атрибутов языка для проверки сложных условий в интеллектуальных блокбастерах. 
Важной особенностью этой платформы является обеспечение всего рабочего цикла данными: от сбора, разметки до конечных результатов. Руководители компаний, владельцы автозапуска, разработчики, 
ученые будут иметь богатые API и API-интерфейсы 
возможность создавать собственные апплеты (приложения) для интеграции в свои службы и приложения. Таким образом, мы разрешаем другим компаниям принимать решения о наших услугах и внедрять их 
в своей деятельности
Пользователи со всего мира без специальных знаний смогут получать доход на платформе, создавать, улучшать и выбирать языковые модели. Для этого в проекте используются маркеры GAI (Graphgrail + AI), основанные на блочной системе Ethereum. В этом случае 
модель может варьироваться: сложная, прогнозирующая или лучшая классификация vorfloe для обучения нейронных сетей. 
GraphGrail Ai (http://graphgrail.com) разрабатывает платформу искусственного интеллекта в блокбастере и международной платформе QUANTOR (https://quantor.co), расширяя использование компьютерных технологий для инвестиций и алгоритмической торговли, достигая совместных соглашений и стратегических партнерских отношений,
В рамках партнерства платформа QUANTOR впервые получит доступ к новым услугам, разработанным для своих клиентов, включая интеллектуальный анализ потоковых текстовых данных, которые могут использоваться на информационных панелях и консультантов для финансовых продуктов. 
Компания GraphGrail Ai, которая отправляется в ICO осенью, в свою очередь проверит маркерную бизнес-модель и выпустят новые продукты на рынок финансового анализа. 
Успешный опыт в подготовке и внедрении GraphGrail Ai ICO в будущем может быть использован платформой QUANTOR для самостоятельной работы с ICO. 
#investiruyvbudushee # investIndimasepepan # GraphGrailAi 
#BitCoin # business # bitmaker #bitcoin #ico 
Telegram: https://t.me/GraphGrailAi
Голос: https://golos.io/@bitcoinking 
Steemit: https://steemit.com/@gromozeka 
btc имя YosietoQingge
btc профиль ссылка https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action = профиль; u = 2303937



Project on green agriculture

Organicco began in the UK, which was created by a massive development in which 10 years were made due to the research and development of green technology products, which initiated nearly two million pounds of investment. Organicco serves and is raised by initial coin offers and to increase Organicco token value. Organicco is literally found and delivered as an organic source where they are used as fertilizer on a large scale and most clients benefit from this successful project if they are involved with it.
As the project continues, all who might survive from the project are profitable to use and then come to the use of organic fertilizer where the focus of the project is, for the masses to be used, Organicco is one of the “green technologies” prepositions with the right return on investment programs where developing markets for full potential, both investors and small clients.
Finally, Organicco with Organic Technology decided to open a manufacturing division to produce and deliver high quality products and maintain long-term relationships with their clients, believing that there is no waste in nature, so their aim is to eradicate organic ‘waste’, and convert it into products which is useful without or few side products in the most environmentally friendly way.
The project is run by Organicco Limited, a green industry company with more than 10 years of experience in the industry, specializing in the development of technology and production of environmentally friendly products, and investing in several projects. Green agriculture in the world. The problem that Organicco wants to deal with is the confusion of the agricultural market, from nurseries, fertilizers, harvests, preservation, supply …
Organicco wants to enter the crypto market to utilize this platform, and create global convenience channels for members of the agricultural market to interact and interact with each other. 
Some suggestions that Organicco will provide for the project:
  • Use capital to research, develop or invest in potential agricultural projects for profit;
  • Generate tokens that share the profit function as an ORC token;
  • Have a policy to ensure a 25% -100% investment capital for initial investors; 
    Prepare an internal trading platform called easiPayer to trade on services, publish separate coins for payments, and share real benefits. Unlike ORC tokens, this is an intermediate object that makes the platform truly functional; 
    Revenue comes from the sale of products produced by the company, profits from projects invested by the company, and transaction costs on the EasiPayer platform, which estimates $ 6 million per year.
This project does not open easiPayer coins, but only sells ORC tokens to the community to mobilize the same investment and development. 


We aim to raise funds through initial coin offerings of Organicco tokens. The funds will be lent to our subsidiary companies and used to develop opportunities in the green industry and agri-technology in the UK, Europe, Canada and Southeast Asia. These companies will use our green technology solutions called ecoHERO and ecoDRYER, to produce organic fertilizer and animal feed from unwanted commercial organic matter.
Small amounts of biomass fuel will also be produced from mixed waste materials using our other technology solution, ecoREDUCER.
In addition, this system will produce renewable energy and fuel if needed.
As stated above the aim is to create natural capital from unwanted organic matter.
We intend to continue to grow the business along this line for the future, because we strive to introduce innovative technology solutions to the increasing problems found in the agri-tech industry.
The extent to which this problem was highlighted at a forum held in Rome in 2014 when a senior UN official from the Food and Agriculture Organization provided a dire prediction that if the current level of land degradation continues, all the world’s top land could be lost in 60 years. This is due to extensive farming methods including the use of chemicals and pesticides.
It is also intended to use our initial coin offerings to create a low-cost, fast-paced international payment platform based on blockchain technology, which is called easiPayer. Although there are several other crypto currencies on the market, we consider ourselves unique because we will not register trusted tokens on crypto exchanges. Conversely, the negotiayer token will be supported by liquid assets, and the value of the currency will be determined by an independent and reputable auditor. This will ensure that, because the currency is supported by the actual asset, the price of the token siaPayer will not suffer from the main instability that affects the cryptocurrency that is not supported by assets, such as Bitcoin.
In order to truly revolutionize the communications industry, Organic presents the most viable solutions that OTL has used and conducted business for 10 years in this market:  
• Continuing research and enhancement of exclusive solutions: ecoHERO – organic fertilizer production, ecoDRYER – animal feed production & ecoREDUCER – renewable energy and the desire for renewable energy production. 
• Production of equipment belonging to the previously mentioned system, transportation support, installation and maintenance in partner companies, as well as purchasing and completing outputs for finished products; 
• Expand links to businesses, companies and even governments around the world to introduce Organicco technology and solutions;
• Providing financial support to a number of companies so that they have the opportunity to access Organicco services, in return that Organicco will have the right to share profits except for their income; 
• Issue ORC tokens in the form of parts, allowing owners to share profits from Organicco’s organic interests; 
• Build easiPayer, an internal payment platform for global agricultural markets with low costs, transparent operations using blockchain technology.
Orgnicco has a very detailed and clear road map, the most important are finished products and finished markets, the last is raising capital to grow faster and bring the market to blockchain:  
01.2017: OTL is established after 10 years of research and development. 
Message for a pilot project from MRC Vaudreuil-Solanges, Montreal, Canada. 
02.2017: Recruitment. 
03.2017: Receive orders for a 6,000TPA ecoTYER from Boxford Farm. 
04.2017: Certificate signed for installation of a mini ecoDRYER in Kent, England. 
05.2017: Switch to manufacturing facilities near Heathrow to produce their own products. 
07.2017: Customers start a technical assessment to build a 100-ton per day fertilizer plant in the UK from chicken manure.
08.2017: OLT Site Launched. 
09.2017: Vaudreuil-Solanges, Montreal, Canada pilot project has been installed. 
Customer freezing technical design. 
12.2017: The 6,000 ecoDRYER unit is sent to Boxford Farm. 
Find out how to raise funds and explore the ICO. 
02.2018: Organicco Ltd was established to manage funds collected from ICOs. 
03.2018: ERC223 smart contracts are made and tokens are allocated according to the information in the WhitePaper. 
6,000tpa ecoDRYER has been installed and applied for renewable heat incentives  
(the Government pays for every kW thermal energy that we use). 
04.2018: Pre-ICO launch. 
05.2018: Pilot project for chicken manure to install fertilizer production equipment.
Delivery for ecoHERO pilot project. 
06.2018: End of Pre-ICO, ICO phase 1 begins. 
Installation of ecoHERO pilot project. 
07.2018: Hire more personnel for the team. 
The EcoHERO plant contract was signed for Kent. 
ICO Phase 1 ends and ICO Phase 2 starts and will run until all tokens are sold. 
09.2018: Fertilizer contracts are signed 100 t / day from chicken manure. 
The feasibility study of the Methanol plant began. 
Form the easiPayer team. 
12.2018: Distribution of the main components for 100t / day fertilizer projects. 
Q2 2019: Launch easiPayer for selected vendors and customers to test the platform and solve initial problems.
Q3 2019: Production of small biomass fuels from composite materials by ecoREDUCER. 
Q4 2019: Launch of anaerobic anaerobic (IAAD) integrated solution to produce both low-power organic fertilizer and low levels of unwanted organic matter. 
Q1 2020: Methanol (ethanol) and ethanol (avtur) are launched, focusing on well-known markets such as Africa, India and South America. 
Q2 2020: Released easiPayer for wider use. 
2021: Increase production of fertilizers, biofuels, methanol and ethanol by providing more projects. 
2022: Prepare a system for farmers around the world to collaborate on the production of primary foods using organic fertilizers and help restore soil eroded by erosion.
2023: Establishment of a collaborative farmer feeder network throughout the world, finally creating an economic circle that closes the cycle of food production and has more farmers around the world. sustainable food production.
Token allocation mechanism:  
16% – Sales partners  
60% – Crowd-Sale  
4% – Marketing  
20% – Development Team  
Investment capital allocation:  
42.2% – Green technology project development  
7% – Production increase  
0.8% – Marketing / PR  
10.9% – 
7% capital insurance for investors  – Fuel research and development, 
28.2% new product launch  – Property supported by easiPayer  
3.8% – Law
Organicco Team
btc name YosietoQingge 
btc link profile https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2303937

Sabtu, 29 September 2018

BitCoin ONE

BitCoin ONE

As we all know, every difficulty available (including banks) must have their accounting books. Surely there is time, energy and costs that must be spent to be able to carry out the transaction. Of course we (the  customers  ) are charged an additional fee (  fee  ).
Continuing our initial discussion, what is Bitcoin? Bitcoin and cash book money systems into one global organization. Of course the benefits are reducing time and costs.
BitCoin ONE is a community-based project. Decentralized means that no country or company controls it, Ecosystems are based on people who help in marketing, support & development.
We are developing projects with use cases, which are Crypto Cellular Wallets and Applications. 
We have a good set of core values. 
We even have a pool with 2 million BTCONE / 2 million B1P  
allocated for charity projects. This will be distributed to 40 different projects around the world.
Projects that stand out and help local communities to benefit from the New Blockchain Era. Furthermore we are social and have an online presence and also do Meetups to grow the community. 
Further team members are in 2018 attending 5 BlockChain Summits / events. We have a hand on what is happening at the scene.
An Extraordinary Project, with a strong and Professional team approaching the possibility of intuition is very interesting, I hope this project will go to the moon, and this project is trusted by investors & Everyone to work on Crypto Market.

Who Created Bitcoin?

There are many people who say that Bitcoin was created by someone, even though large discovery is always done by a group of people (one team).
Bitcoin was discovered by a team or a group of people named Satoshi Nakamoto.
btc name YosietoQingge 
btc link profile https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2303937



 Mining Company and Giving Profit to SECURIX Token Holders

Hello .. congratulations to meet you again in the World of Bounty this time I will introduce a cryptocurrency mining project based in the Netherlands, SECURIX, Well this time I will explain how and what SECURIX let’s look at the explanation below.
is that SECURIX?
Securix is ​​a cryptocurrency mining solution based in the Netherlands. It has ready-to-operate products, environmentally conscious energy programs and SRXIO tokens supported by innovative assets, Securix offers enhanced value and different products compared to cloud mining operations, providing passive revenue sharing monthly to investors from mining operations while protecting token holders from price volatility. Mining is deliberately designed for intensive and difficult resources so the number of blocks found every day by miners remains stable. Individual blocks must contain proof of work to be considered valid. This work proof is verified by Bitcoin or other crypto nodes every time they receive a block, Bitcoin uses functions hashcash proof-of-work function.
The Dutch / Dutch are famous for consensus models in politics and economics. Our choice of mining location is based on four considerations: strategic placement, security and scalability. Now that is a location that is ideal for them and certainly already very suitable and equipped with security too
To ensure the successful implementation of its ambitious business objectives, company management and staff members live and work in the same country as mining operations: the Netherlands. With a group of founders who are very committed and selected, Securix is ​​in front of its roadmap, after improving their infrastructure and electricity
The EAN-to-EAN platform is a decentralized platform with fewer parties involved. We buy directly from a green generator. Without intermediaries Our energy is transmitted virtually through the electricity network. From the supplier’s power connection is called EAN number to our EAN number. Safe and secure to our mining location. And this SECURIC project aims for responsibility, sustainability and profitability, very interesting with a team that is professional at work and certainly very trusted.
TOKEN LIMITED PREVENTS THE DEVELOPMENT OF OUR BONUS STRATEGIES HIGH OUTPUT PER TOKEN When the token limit or the end date of the bonus phase is reached, the next phase will begin. We protect our token holders now and in the future and ensure that we do not devalue our tokens. This will produce output per token that is higher, along with the calculator in the image.
WORK For the SECURIC method to work I will explain with a few steps below, there are four points that must be considered along with the explanation. 
1. Register, Go to registration at securix.io and register to participate in crowdsale 
2. ERC-20 wallet, you must have an ERC-20 compatible wallet to participate in crowdsale. You can get an ERC-20 wallet at https://www.myetherwallet.com/ 
3. Transfer, transfer the amount of cryptocurrency according to the instructions you want to spend on SRXIO tokens. After a successful transaction awaiting confirmation from Securix
4. Accept SRXIO, After you receive confirmation from Securix that your funds have been deleted, you will see the SRXIO token in the wallet that you provided. Enjoy SRXIO tokens with a monthly payment 
products are based on ER20 Etherium. Encrypted by a smart contract, the person holding the token will receive monthly results from our operator’s total revenue. The more you store more markers, then the output for each sign is equal in height.
Initial sale: 08/04/2018 3 – 09/06/2018  
Business-MBO: 09/07/2018 8 –  
10/31/2018 Code name: SRXIO  
Category: Mineral extraction  
Soft compaction: 3,000,000 US dollars  
Brand: US $ 55,000,000  
Register for sale: 42,350,000 SRXIO  
Tokens: 1 SRXIO = 1  
Platform US Dollar: Eterium  
Payment received: BTZ, ETN, VSN, currency codes XMR, USD and EUR
Our team will give us the most effective mining operations. We will hire and expand, if needed, to ensure that we have the best staff in the industry
Marcel Szhoenmaker: Technology Architect / IT Manager
Danny van den Newwendijk: Business Manager
Brenda Stud: Accounting and Finance
Jackie Lou: Asia Pacific Regional Manager
Sasha Bowman: Business Manager
Andrey Kovalevsky: Marketing Manager
Gleb Ruskin: Digital Marketer
Jack Tong: Graphic Designer
Additional Information Click Here Link:  
Website:  https://www.securix.io/
btc name YosietoQingge 
btc link profile https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2303937

Jumat, 28 September 2018


Blockchain Evolution: Introducing HETACHAIN ​​on Blockchain 3.0 

Blockchain technology with its ability to facilitate peer-to-peer transactions without the need for third-party intermediaries can disrupt many existing centralized systems and applications, especially in the banking and financial services sector. Combined with the power of smart contracts, blockchain technology has the potential to change the dynamics of the economy throughout the world. A truly decentralized environmental system will take control of several self-serving entities and return them back to the masses.
Blockchain technology is indeed an innovative innovation in how data is created, shared and edited. However, blockchain technology is currently facing critical problems about its performance. For this reason, Hetachain proposes to create the latest Blockchain network architecture that will be used very easily, more flexibly for users and developers using the blockchain platform that has very high performance.
Cryptographic Algorithm Using ECDSA (Digital Elliptic Motion Sign Algorithm) with a secp256k1 curve for public-private cryptography. Private key is 256 bit random data.
The HETA address associated with this private key is the last 160 bits of the SHA3-256 (Keccak) hash of the public key
Adoption Challenges
However, the speed of adoption of blockchain-driven solutions to solve real-world problems and replace existing systems has been slow. The main reason can be associated with scalability problems that disrupt bitcoin, ethereum and other blockchain. Both the bitcoin and ethereum blockchain experienced network congestion problems towards the end of last year. Slow transactions and very high high costs threaten to defeat the purpose from which technology was created. Even decentralized applications (DAPPS) built on the existing blockchain tend to get stuck with performance problems, not giving users the convenience and ease of use that they are accustomed to. There is a need for blockchain that is designed to provide technological benefits, and it is also quite scalable to handle massive system traffic.
Hetachain: The solution
Hetachain intends to solve the problems mentioned above and make high-performance blockchain scalable, facilitating easy and smart contracting and easy to use by end users. This was achieved by coming up with a hybrid consensus mechanism based on Delegated Proof of Stake (DPoS) and Byzantine Error Tolerance (BFT). The goal is to create a blockchain that can be scaled, has shorter block times and high throughput. With the Hetachain algorithm, a block is generated every 1 second and validated by one masternode in the network.
HetaCoin: A cryptocurrency that is fueled by Hetachain.
The original cryptocurrency that drives and drives Hetachain and allows blockchain as a service, HetaCoin has many use cases.
  • Usage fees are paid by users or companies that intend to use Hetachain as a service
  • Transaction fees must be paid in HetaCoins
  • Prizes will be distributed in HetaCoins
Hetachain aspires to solve the problems that are currently disrupting the current blockade and the solution whether it is scalability, privacy, security or throughput. With its latest architecture and design, it has the potential to emerge as a leader who can bridge the gap between technology and people, and change the landscape that emerges.
About Hetacoin – HETA
Hetacoin is an internal Hetachain crypto currency used on the Mainchain network. Hetacoin is used as a tool to pay usage fees using the Heta Blockchain service.

When a user makes a transaction to exchange coins or tokens that have been created by Heta, then he must pay for a predetermined Hetacoib mount. Also called transaction fees. This mandatory fee makes Hetacoin have real value for the system. This can also prevent traders from flooding the network with unlimited microtransactions.
When a user participates in a consensus process or validation of the Main Chain and Personal Chain, then he must be rewarded with certain Hetacoin. This is also referred to as Giving rewards to users. For the level of appreciation of consensus, it must depend on how much effort is spent by the participants in carrying out the process.

Feature Summary of HETACHAIN ​​NETWORK

1. Dapp Store with the Pre-built application, users can choose and run their DApp on the HETA Blockchain.
2. Digital Asset Storage. HETACHAIN ​​can save large digital assets to ensure they cannot be stolen or hacked.
3. Consensus. HETACHAIN ​​uses hybrids from DPoS + BFT consensus to maximize the performance of its Blockchain Network.
4. Automatically Generate Contracts. With this, less code is involved, thus helping developers easily generate their own contracts at HETA.
5. Use of user friendly fees. The possibility of a small application running for free on the network.
Q1 & Q2 2018
Designing HetaChain
Writting Whitepaper

Q2 & Q3 2018
Mainchain Development
UI displays blockchain data
Wallet demo
Hetachain ICO program
HetaChain ICO personal sales

Q4 2018
HetaChain block explorer demo
Hetachain test net (trial version)
HetaChain ICO public sales begin
Include HETA tokens in exchange
Development of privatechain

Q1 2019
Release web portal
Dapp Development
Smart contract development
Wallet update (multi-Token)
The launch of the HetaChain clean test

Q2 2019
Prebuilt Dapp
Create automatic Dapp
HETA cost calculation portal
HetaChain block explorer (update)
Mainnet hetachain (test version)

Q3 2019
Launch of the Hetachain mainnet


Advisory Board

For more information, please visit:
btc name YosietoQingge 
btc link profile https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2303937