крипто-монеты, которые станут инструментом и гарантом расчетов между пользователями

AGROCOINISM Международный проект, направленный на создание платформы P2P, где компании могут напрямую кредитовать друг друга без посредников. Сделай мир лучше! Сделайте цены ниже! Снизьте риск мошенничества для игроков рынка! Помогите другим научиться инвестировать! Открытый доступ к финансовым услугам с услугами низкого уровня.
AGROCOIN is a crypto coin that will be a tool and guarantor of payments between users. This is a token that will be a tool for the agro-industry market, and with the help of users of the agro exchange platform, they will be able to carry out their transactions in the purchase and sale of goods in the agricultural sector. The AGROCOIN Token supports smart contract technology and was created to develop the trust and positive reputation of the credit platform in the Ethereum ecosystem. AGROCOIN aims to make the fastest, most transparent and safe transactions.
The AGRODEX project is a virtual exchange, accessible to everyone, where you can publish and find advertisements on the web. The advantage is undoubtedly the fact that the application works offline in the background, which is a real gift for people who work in the agricultural sector, because fields do not always have internet, especially high speed lines. Now, when implementing agreements in the agrarian sector, there will be no more puzzles and pitfalls for any party. No need to seek advice elsewhere and worry about being a victim of a cheater.
Now you don’t need to spend time going to interesting objects and checking products that are interesting because all this can be done through an expanded platform form and then people can contact the seller to ask for advice. AGRODEX creates convenience for its users, because you can familiarize yourself with the product and get advice without leaving your office. Manufacturers no longer have to find buyers of their products because there will be opportunities to learn about their customers online. From now on, there is no need to hold weekend exhibitions, etc. To advertise and sell products because everything will be much easier and more qualitative. The strong platform AGRODEX will be able to sell products 24 hours a day, without any holidays. 3.3 ITS BENEFITS When investing through our project, many problems will be solved, because investment liquidity is ensured and objective valuation will also be given. As a bonus, the entrance threshold will be reduced. Today you can feel yourself as a full exchange member even with only one hundred dollars. Besides that, blockchain technology is very promising. In traditional markets, there are several relationships between invaders and sellers, each of which increases the final cost of the product, but now the exchange is the only intermediary. Because of this, goods and services will become more affordable for consumers, and prices are more attractive to producers Today you can feel yourself as a full exchange member even with only one hundred dollars. Besides that, blockchain technology is very promising. In traditional markets, there are several relationships between invaders and sellers, each of which increases the final cost of the product, but now the exchange is the only intermediary. Because of this, goods and services will become more affordable for consumers, and prices are more attractive to producers Today you can feel yourself as a full exchange member even with only one hundred dollars. Besides that, blockchain technology is very promising. In traditional markets, there are several relationships between invaders and sellers, each of which increases the final cost of the product, but now the exchange is the only intermediary. Because of this, goods and services will become more affordable for consumers, and prices are more attractive to producers
As such, the Agrocoin and AGRODEX projects provide a new impetus for further development of the agro-industry sector, triggering increased demand for products from this industry, increasing the attractiveness of this cluster for beginners and experienced specialists and stimulating international growth and development of commodity exchange relationships for relationship participants existing trade. In addition, the prestige of working in the agricultural sector and the labor costs of participants in the production process will grow significantly.
-> Lack of knowledge and understanding of legislation and domestic and international trade;
-> Acute shortcomings of highly qualified own specialists: international lawyers and economists;
-> The presence of intermediaries with high purchase prices;
-> Inability of production capabilities that will enable the production and supply of large quantities to foreign markets;
-> Bureaucracy, which inhibits the rapid realization of goods due to a large number of documentary delays.
The solution
AGRODEX – This is a global B2B platform for trading agricultural products and food products, and attracting unlimited investment in production geolocation. Registered suppliers and customers will be able to enter into smart contracts,
make exchange transactions, share relevant information and track the history of food prices in various parts of the world. Each
product will be classified in the registry and assessed at Agrocoin. Every user has the opportunity to sell or buy products in
foreign markets using a smartphone and not worry about logistics problems, cargo safety and financial losses.
Our project innovation is stated in the following points:
make exchange transactions, share relevant information and track the history of food prices in various parts of the world. Each
product will be classified in the registry and assessed at Agrocoin. Every user has the opportunity to sell or buy products in
foreign markets using a smartphone and not worry about logistics problems, cargo safety and financial losses.
Our project innovation is stated in the following points:
1. The ease of making a deal with a smart contract;
2. Efficiency and economic benefits for all participants in the transaction
3. Security, transparency and speed of transactions based on Blockchain technology.
Platform & Functionality
-> Participants register at, after which he gets access to the database of manufacturers and buyers of goods.
-> Buyer purchases AGROCOIN cryptocurrency through an official exchange platform
-> Selection of prices and quality of suitable offers and conclusions from smart contracts to purchase products with sellers.
-> launches a transaction processing process and contacts logistics partners to guarantee transactions and arrange shipment of goods
-> Crypto-currency becomes unavailable until the buyer receives the item.
-> Crypto-currency becomes available, and the seller withdraws the money obtained using the service platform.

Agrocoin has been issued by AgroExchange Estonia and is based on the popular and proven Blockchain technology. This is an ERC-20 token based on Ethereum.

Agrocoins is available immediately and you can immediately withdraw to your specific address using the META MASK or AgroDex application.

Agrocoin allows you to participate in the distribution of company profits and to buy services and membership on our platform.

Guaranteed Agrocoin trading will be available on our cryptocurrency exchange platform instantly after the end of ICO sales.
The AgroExchange platform aims to contribute to global users of Blockchain Adoption among ordinary people with intuitive and seamless integration of the many E-Commerce channels that are used using the Decentralized Payment platform.

The AgroExchange Web platform is the result of detailed studies of user behavior. Registration is simple, super fast KYC, high security and several options for cash-in and cash-out.

AgroExchange acts as guarantor of transactions between end users with the help of Blockchain technology.

AgroExchange allows producers to sell their goods as well as possible, in the right position, and at the right time.

A fully designed solution by the AgroExchange team from the start to meet specific business and customer demands.
Agrocoin is a crypto coin that will be a tool and guarantor of payments between users. This is a token that will be a tool for the agro-industry market, and with the help of the AgroExchange platform users will be able to conduct their transactions in the purchase and sale of goods in the agricultural sector.

Marat Kabdullin
inventor and CEO

Maxat Abilkassym
PR media, Marketing expert

Эрлан Бигожин
Стратег в социальных сетях
Четна чхабра
Ведущие дизайнеры UI / UX

МК Хасан
Маркетинговая стратегия

Эспен Олсен
Руководитель управления сообществом

Виктор Амаечи
Координатор плана

Эндрю Уиллис
Руководитель отдела контента и стратегии

Оливия Биси .O.
Старший автор контента

Бенджамин Дела Круз младший
Менеджер сообщества

Джон Пол Идогоноба

Анант Сачдева
Специалист по безопасности

Арпит Шарма

Джованни Касагранде

Абхишек Сингх

Трипо Тимо
имя btc YosietoQingge btc
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