An ambitious project that guarantees the security of the blockchain network on innovative and smart contracts.
Is that right?
It’s an ambitious and very simple project that guarantees the security of smart home networks thanks to innovative blockchain technology and smart contracts. Every action taken on the User platform will be recorded in a database that is irreversible and almost invulnerable – to solve it, hackers need to get administrator access to 51% of individual devices, which is very unlikely because the project spreads around the world.
You can combine all smart homes into a decentralized network and protect their data from intruders. This platform uses innovative security standards that are independent of the default security features.
Thus, thank you, hackers will no longer be able to penetrate smart home data networks and violate their privacy because they will no longer depend on a group of different storage devices on vulnerable corporate servers. At the same time, you will be able to make your data network not only safer but also much faster and more efficient.
The next generation of Smart Home
What does VECAP offer?
VECAP will be able to protect all smart devices in your home or office by combining them into one decentralized network. All transactions made between IoT devices will be stored on the smart-blockchain based on contact. Note Blockchain will be duplicated on millions of IoT devices in tens of thousands of smart homes and offices, which will make it almost network-resistant.
Some devices from well-known companies and other vendors have serious violations in their security systems: inadequate encryption, weak authentication requirements (eg automatic entry), possible external connections via VPN. What is needed is an unprotected device to endanger the security of your smart home. Hackers only need to find one solution point to lose your entire network.
It takes less than a minute for hackers to gain access to smart home devices, from cellphones and TVs to routers and consoles, all machines connected to the Internet. a large number of devices with zero day vulnerabilities will be hacked as soon as the violation is known before the manufacturer can update all vulnerable smart devices. Short term thinking of long-term security is disrupted.
The average smart home owner has several smart devices and one that is protected is not enough to endanger the entire network.
But that’s not all!
Another important problem faced by homeowners is the smart device compatibility problem with each other. BCG and McKinsey found to increase the market share of smart homes, their suppliers need to develop ecosystems and platforms for compatible devices, which would eliminate the limitations of their offerings. The original owner of the smart home will be the first to understand the problem, dealing with device compatibility issues in their homes. Therefore, all devices certified by VECAP IoT will automatically be added to the blockchain ecosystem, which will allow them to interact with each other directly or through special VECAP modules.
VECAP solution
VECAP protects all devices in the home and smart office by integrating them in a decentralized network. Transactions between IOT blockchain devices will be stored in a smart contract.
A hypothetical hacker will have more than 51% of the network to hack certain devices, and the completion of this task is almost impossible: all records will block IoT duplicated on millions of devices in tens of thousands of smart homes and offices.
VECAP certified devices will be automatically added to the blockchain ecosystem which allows them to interact with each other directly or through VECAP Smart Home and Smart Office Central Module.
VECAP will also make adapters to connect certified devices produced by other companies. The adapter allows tighter integration of smart objects at home through the blockchain ecosystem allowing all smart devices to work together.
VECAP Center Module
The VECAP Center Module will be responsible for network devices. Through the central module, users will be able to set rules for smart homes and smart offices.
However, the most common devices must always be connected because of their limited processing power. The majority of VECAP devices will be able to interact with each other without intervention from a central module that will make the system more resilient to possible technical problems with it.
Smart Office
The central module module asks for graduation problems
Manager Manager gets a notification
RPrinter prepares induction material
VeCap Ecosystem
VeCap Ecosystem will be a market where hardware manufacturers will be able to promote and sell their products, crowdfund from their future businesses and communicate with customers. The ecosystem will also display the VeCap Fund to support producer initiatives.

Transactions in the VeCap ecosystem driven by the blockchain will be paid in tokens.
There will be two types of tokens: VeCap tokens to pay a monthly subscription and purchase hardware and IoT tokens that will be burned every time when transactions between IoT devices take place.
Thus, VeCap will make money not only on software, devices, and commissions in online stores but also on the large number of transactions that will occur between many IoT devices.


Map of Useful Roads

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